Your gift today makes a difference tomorrow.
As a small private Catholic school, St. Bart’s relies on the generous, continued financial support in many different amounts, from many different donors, in many different ways. Each and every gift represents a tangible show of support for the mission of St. Bartholomew Catholic School.
Your generous donation is a gift to all and enables our caring and innovative faculty to teach a challenging, customized academic curriculum while instilling strong Christian values by teaching the Word of God.
The cost of educating each student at St. Bartholomew, as with most schools, is greater than the tuition amount. Your gift helps us fill the gap between tuition and operating expenses.
No gift is too big or too small.
Each of the three areas below has a direct impact on our community. Each category has giving options that range from a one time donation, to pledges, memorial gifts, stock transfers and planned giving.
Ms. Neda Ghassabeh
Admissions and Development
6900 River Road
Bethesda, MD 20817
301-229-5586 Phone
301-229-8654 Fax