Team Houses
Our spirit teams are designed to encourage and increase friendly competition, while promoting our school’s values of faith, leadership, sportsmanship, and academia. St. Bartholomew students engage in fun competitions all year for their team houses. This informal rivalry makes service projects, school competitions, and all our various school traditions more memorable. The house competition also provides a concrete way to encourage our core values.
St. George

St. Ignatius

St. Catherine

Our Traditions
St. Bartholomew School has many long standing traditions that become part of each student's experience as they grow at our school and in our community. Our traditions center on family, community, our Catholic Identity, service, and on celebrating our wonderful students and their many talents and achievements. Families and our parish community join in with these traditions so that each and every student knows that they not only valued, but are also part of something special as students in our school. Our traditions extend to every age. Some of these traditions are:
Assigning Mass Buddies to our younger students. Each child, ages Pre-K through 2nd grade is assigned a "buddy" from the Upper School. These relationships form friendships between all ages and make Mass special from the very first day.
Traditional Enrichment Trips for the 4th grade through the 8th grade include the 4th Grade Trip to Annapolis, the 5th Grade trip to Williamsburg, the 6th Grade Outdoor Education Trip, The 7th Grade Outdoor Ropes Trip , and the 8th Grade Trip to Hershey Park.
The Honors Mass is a Mass celebrating our students' achievements. Students who have excelled in their studies are recognized at an all-school Mass as they receive Principal's Honors, First Honors or Second Honors. This Mass not only celebrates academic achievement, but also students who demonstrate the virtues we strive to teach and model. These students are awarded The St. Bartholomew Award in recognition of their character, kindness, and ability to bring the community together.
Our Graduating Class Traditions
Traditions Throughout the Year

We kick off the year with The Annual St. Bartholomew 5K Walk and Run - a great family event for school families of every age. The month draws to an end when the Parish hosts our families at a Back to School BBQ and Potluck! Finally, our 6th Grade Class embarks on their traditional Outdoor Education Trip - an overnight retreat done in conjunction with St. John the Baptist School where students camp, hike and engage in community building activities with their peers.
We start October with the Blessing of the Animals, when families can bring their leashed or caged pet for a blessing in honor of St. Francis of Assisi's feast day. Donuts with Dads happens in October - where fathers can come and have coffee and share a donut with their children, as well as spend some time in their morning classes. Each year, our students have a Halloween Costume Parade at school with an in class celebration afterwards. Families are invited to attend! The school hosts the annual Trunk or Treat Celebration before Halloween as well. Best dressed car and students win awards at this wonderful trick or treat experience in our school courtyard as students move from one decorated car to the next in costume!

November sees the beginning of the holiday season with Thanksgiving. Students participate in the Annual Thanksgiving Day Feast at school - a fully catered Thanksgiving lunch that is provided by our School HSA! St. Bartholomew also hosts the Annual Turkey Bowl Football Game - where our 8th grade students and the Faculty and Staff face off in a flag football game during the day! All student attend and there is no shortage of cheering! During halftime, each class participates in the Pumpkin Roll to see whose decorated pumpkin goes the farthest.
December brings some of our most loved traditions. In addition to the many service projects that are done to help those in need, our students celebrate the birth of Christ with an all school Christmas Pageant. Filled with music and a reenactment of the story of Christ's birth, it is an event that families look forward to each year. St. Bartholomew also hosts a wonderful Sweets with Santa for the School and for the entire Parish. This morning of crafts and music and Santa is one of our sweetest community events.

When students return after Christmas break, the Archdiocese of Washington, as well as all other Catholic schools in the country, celebrate Catholic Schools Week. St. Bartholomew spends this week celebrating Catholic education. Students are able to come to school dressed for theme days, there are special activities, as well as service projects to honor our Catholic Identity.
February brings with it the hope for snow days, but also some lovely traditions. Each class celebrates Valentines Day with class parties and decorations throughout the school. Family Movie Night is also a winter tradition when the weather makes it hard to be outside!

In March St. Bartholomew students begin to celebrate the coming Easter Season. Muffins with Moms is a favorite tradition, where mothers come and share a morning with their children. 6th Grade hosts their annual Bingo Night for the entire school and Parish. This sell-out event run by our 6th grade is a favorite event for all families. Each year, we learn about Mardi Gras and enjoy a presentation and morning that includes beads for everyone and King cake! Our Lenten Fish Fry is another tradition shared by the school and its Parish.
April brings Easter to our campus. Students spend time learning about Christ's death and resurrection. Each classroom engages in projects revolving around service and the Lenten calendar. Spring also brings the Annual Father Daughter Dance. This traditional dance sees fathers and daughters spend the evening at this special event, decorated with Cherry Blossoms to celebrate their arrival.

May is a busy month at St. Bartholomew. We have our annual Grandparents and Special Person Day at school. This morning has performances, coffee, and time in the classroom with students. May also sees our special May Crowning Mass, which combines many special traditions. All students bring flowers to place before Mary. Our 2nd grade students wear their First Holy Communion dress clothes as they process down the aisle. Our 7th and 8th grade students participate in a Passing of the Candle Ceremony where the 8th grade students pass the torch of leadership to the 7th grade as they hand off candles at the altar. Finally, we end the month with Field Day - one of the student's most favorite traditions!