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Language ArtsKindergarten Language Arts focuses on teaching children to read and write. More importantly, we focus on promoting a love of reading and of writing. Children utilize multi-sensory and hands-on learning through various learning centers spread throughout the classroom. Multiple learning strategies are used where students work in small groups, pairs, or individually. Texts and Methods: Kindergarten uses the McGraw Hill reading series “ Treasures”. We apply the strategies we are learning during Reader’s Workshop. Students either work in small groups, pairs, or individually. St. Bartholomew uses the Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Program for writing skills. This widely used program introduces the correct formation of upper and lower case letters, and helps strengthen handwriting skills generally. Kindergarten utilizes Writer’s Workshop to facilitate learning basics for the the writing process.
MathIn Kinder math we learn by doing! Students explore math concepts learned through Math Workshop using the McGraw Hill math series “My Math.” We relate concepts to a child’s experience through a variety of materials, including manipulatives which include unifix cubes, counters, pattern blocks, shells, graphs, and charts. The concepts that we cover include: -Position and Classification -Sort and Graph -Explore Patterns -Explore Numbers to 20 -Measurements, Fractions -Solids, Shapes, and Sorting -Number Sense -Time and Money -Explore Actions with Numbers -Larger Number -Explore Addition and Subtraction
ReligionThe Kinder Religion Program is based on developing positive self-concepts through prayer, songs, stories, role playing, and art using the curriculum “ God Loves Us.” Kinders learn about their own God-given gifts, their families, friends, church, and school. They learn about a loving and caring God and develop Christian attitudes of sharing, being kind to and respectful of others, loving, helping, thanking, and celebrating. Kindergarten students attend weekly Mass with the whole school and have special sixth grade Mass buddies who sit with them to help them engage in the process.
ScienceKindergarten Science focuses on providing an environment where children find a love for science and the natural world around them. Topics that are covered include: -The Five Senses -Ways to Keep My Body Healthy -Pets -Characteristics of objects -Exploring Forces of Moving Objects -Observing the Growth of Plants -Identifying Living and Non-Living Things Students engage in various learning methods, including experiments and projects that include observation and discussion. Students lessons include hands-on activities that are supported with the Nancy Larson Science Program. This wonderfully structured program provides a good balance between "reading to learn" and hands-on activities.
Social StudiesKindergarten Social Studies introduces the concept of time and people in our community through various hands-on learning experiences and learning centers. Various social studies topics are studied throughout the school year. Concepts include: -History -Citizenship -Geography -Community Helpers -Culture
SpanishSt. Bartholomew introduces foreign language in Kindergarten to the general curriculum. Our dedicated Spanish teacher coordinates with the Kindergarten class so that instruction is paired and reinforces their general curriculum. Our program exposes Kindergarten students to introductory vocabulary with cross curricular connections to what they are learning in science, language arts, social studies and religion. Spanish Learning at this level includes: -Introductory Vocabulary -Basic Greetings -Colors -Numbers -Parts of the Body -Family -The Alphabet in Spanish
TechnologySt. Bartholomew School focuses on making sure that its students are both familiar with current technology, and able to use it safely and appropriately. This learning begins at the earliest ages. Kindergarten students use the computer lab, and with the help of our technology teacher, and are taught Internet Safety, mouse control, and how to find numbers and letters on the keyboard. Our technology classes utilize various educational software packages in cross curricular connections to reinforce skills and concepts that are being learned in the classroom each week in various subjects.

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